I am regretting that I didn't take a ride in the oil drum nascar ride!
Virginia is getting too old for all that bending so we got her this raised bowl stand. She's trying to figure out how she going to pick up the bowl & bring it to us when it's empty now! Have I mentioned what a smart girl she is!
Loved these, so simple, a ceramic top glued to a stick. And they look so much better than the real ones that keep growing in my garden!
How cute is this guy, they had a mama duck with a bunch of ducklings following her but with all my other buys I could only get one.
My guys spotted this one, made from a real hand grenade, too clever to resist so home it came!
This must be the year of the snail as I have aquired so many
Last but not least, a propane tank pumpkin - love it!